Can I give my chickens pork chop bones?

Yea...wasn't really going to cook it for the girls unless I wanted to become their full time chef. ....cause the cats bring them plenty from there kills! They sure are spoiled!
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You are not supposed to eat RAW or undercooked pork because of parasites, mainly trichinosis.

know you're not supposed to feed raw pork to dogs for this reason, I'd guess it's the same for chickens? Imo, why take the risk?

That said, I've given my girls cooked pork chop bones and ham bones and they pick them clean. I make sure to put them out early in the morning and discard what's left when I lock them up at night.
I don't use a thermometer on pork chops, I just eyeball it. But for roasts, I do use a thermometer and cook to 150, then let it rest. It is a lot tastier when it's not overcooked!
Me too... overcooking ruins meat. I also always use a meat thermometer with poultry too (except when stewed or done in the crock pot.) and as soon as the thigh area measures 175-180 I take it out and let it rest... Nothing worse then shoe leather that used to be meat
Years ago pork was rampant with trichinosis infestations due to horribly unsanitary conditions,, overcrowded living conditions and some very unsavory feeding practices,,, most notably the feeding of animals that had died back to the living and also the feeding of things like cow manure to the pigs because it still contained undigested nutrients the pigs could use. During the 80s and early 90s these practices came under scrutiny and have now been banned in the pork industry. With the better living and eating conditions trichinosis has seen a major decline in pork making it safer to eat.

Now,, just to be fair,, the pork industry was not the only industry at fault. Beef was just as guilty, remember the whole mad cow thing in the late 90s? and now we are finding out that they are feeding poultry litter to our cattle. And the whole poultry industry,, well,,, I'm not even going to begin on all the unsavory practices those guys are involved in.
I don't know about that but you shouldn't even be eating pork. /img/smilies/smile.png
Haven't you heard?

If your referencing the Bible you are referring to the old testament. After the resurrection everything was made clean....including pork...thank God because I love me some bacon
I won't get carried away here but the food laws have not been done away with. Jesus was the final sacrfice. Food laws are still in place. Break them at your on peril.

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