Can I keep my ducks in the cold?


Oct 7, 2021
Hello all. I have some ducks, about a month old. They're about halfway done with growing out their feathers. Since I still lack any sort of proper feed at the moment, I give them much more access to forage in my backyard, however I worry it may be too cold for them. It's very cold outside, not quite freezing but I do need to wear my jacket if I want to stay out for a while.

My parents insist their feather coat is enough to keep them warm, but they've said the same thing when they were mere ducklings with only their downy feathers, and I'm pretty sure they'll take any excuse to keep them out the house.

When I let them out while cleaning out their home thing, they rush right into our laundry room whenever I keep the door open, and don't come out even for some food(or whatever I tried to substitute for feed) and water. Not a good sign there.

I'd like to keep my ducks out to forage to help meet their needs, but I'm worried it's too cold for them to go out.
Thank you all! I'll try to keep them inside more, until they grow all the way up. Unfortunately, I can't really keep them inside fully. Because of their smell, I have to keep them in a box on the balcony. It's slightly warmer, but the only thing insulating them is whatever feathers they have and a few cm of plastic. I'll try to add in some sort of bedding, but I am not aware of any alternatives from the store brought variety, besides newspapers, which I don't have.
Can you bring in bits of whatever it is they eat outside?

And I use towels for my ducks when I have to crate them for whatever reason. Could you use paper towels, strips of paper, old t-shirts, clean shop towels, tree leaves? Do you have a heating pad for when they're on the balcony? Those poor duckies will be cold. You're going to have to get creative.

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