Can I move a broody hen in a room with new chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 13, 2014
San Angelo Texas
I brought home a batch of chicks from a science hatch project in my husbands classroom. It is the first time we have hatched from our own hens. They are being kept on the upstairs part of our coop seperate from our flock. The hens were very interested of course. I was away for a weekend and when I came home our hens had laied 23 eggs in a rubber maid tub and one had gone broody. I have never had a broody hen before. This is the flocks first full spring. I am going to let her sit on them. My question is can I move her and the tub upstairs to be with the other chicks or would that break her brood? Would she start mothering the chicks that are already hatched and abandon the eggs? I would like to get a natrual hatch.
I have an indoor broody hen right now, and have hatched babies and kept them in a brooder right across from where she decided to set. She showed no interest! As long as these chicks aren't wandering all over her, she'll be in her own little world, not bothered by the babies in the least. She should do fine if you move her

It is a bit of an art to get a hen to accept chicks that aren't hers most of the time, usually she'll have to have been on the nest long enough, and you have to slip the day old babies under her so she can conclude they are her eggs all hatched up. Some hens are exceptionally motherly and will care for any baby that comes their way if they've not had a successful hatch, but they won't get off the nest for it!
Thank you. The place she is sitting is a good place because it is up high. The only problem is it is on top of a free standing rabbit hutch that is about to be moved out of the coop for the warm season.
The sooner you can move her, the easier it will be for her to accept a new nesting spot. Good on her for being a wise mum!

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