Can I please have advice on the breed of my babies


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 20, 2014
Good Morning BYC!

Does anyone know what breed these babies may be? Also opinions on gender would be much appreciated!

Midas, 9 weeks old, 4 toes

Storm, 5 weeks old, 5 toes

Cleopatra, 5 weeks old, 5 toes

Nyx, 5 weeks old, 5 toes
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Thanks speckledhen!

Midas has VERY feathered feet, and I just googled pictures of Red Cochin and think you may be right!

What do you see that makes you think cockerel? (I'm really hoping for hen! Haha)
Thanks speckledhen!

Midas has VERY feathered feet, and I just googled pictures of Red Cochin and think you may be right!

What do you see that makes you think cockerel? (I'm really hoping for hen! Haha)

At that age, NO pullet has that big red comb and wattles. It's definitely male, no doubt about it. Sorry! I have one Cochin bantam rooster, black. He's a hoot, thinks he's ten feet tall and rules his large fowl women with a iron beak. Xander is a pretty cool little dude and I'm sure Midas will be, too.
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At that age, NO pullet has that big red comb and wattles. It's definitely male, no doubt about it. Sorry! I have one Cochin bantam rooster, black. He's a hoot, thinks he's ten feet tall and rules his large fowl women with a iron beak. Xander is a pretty cool little dude and I'm sure Midas will be, too.

Ahhh I'll have to check the rules of my area regarding keeping roosters
. I picked Midas from a bunch of 5 chicks at 4 weeks old, as it was the smallest, calmest, and had next to no comb. The farmer agreed it was a hen
.. ah well thats the risk you take!
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Midas is definitely a cockerel and looks to be a Red Cochin Bantam. The next two Silkies are partridge in color and the last is black. As for genders of the Silkies, it is much too early to tell yet. It would be better to wait until they are at least twelve weeks old to even make a guess.
Midas is definitely a cockerel and looks to be a Red Cochin Bantam. The next two Silkies are partridge in color and the last is black. As for genders of the Silkies, it is much too early to tell yet. It would be better to wait until they are at least twelve weeks old to even make a guess.

Ahh well I must have known Midas was a boy when I named her after a king!

Awesome, silkies are hilarious! Thanks for your input!
Midas is a doll - hope you can keep him. The silkies are much too young to sex

Yeah I am very attached to Midas! Its been a hectic few weeks dealing with conjunctivitis and sinusitis and Midas is finally on the mend.. I can't give up my baby! Brainstorming solutions atm!

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