My rooster has a bad infestation of what I think are lice, may be mites. I have gotten some Epernix and have successfully put it on my geese for treatment of lice and appears to have worked. They say it kills parasites and worms. I put 10 drops on my goose. How many should I put on my rooster and hen. He is a good bit bigger than the hen is. Don't know what kind of rooster he is but would like to find out. He has feathers all the way down his legs and on his feet also and is black with iridescent green and blue in his feathers. He's very big. Don't know how much he weighs cause I've never picked him up since he's mean and wants to attack everyone. I have to take a rake in the pen with me just to feed them cause he wants to chase me and jump on me. Here's a picture of him and his girlfriend a Rhode Island Red named Red Riding Hood. Can someone tell me how many drops to put on him and on her and what kind of rooster he is? Thanks so much. He needs treatment right away, they're really bad! Need to do it tonight!