Can I put Epernix on my chickens for lice, mites, ect?

Harry Rooster

7 Years
Jan 11, 2013
"the boonies" in, Alabama
My Coop
My Coop
My rooster has a bad infestation of what I think are lice, may be mites. I have gotten some Epernix and have successfully put it on my geese for treatment of lice and appears to have worked. They say it kills parasites and worms. I put 10 drops on my goose. How many should I put on my rooster and hen. He is a good bit bigger than the hen is. Don't know what kind of rooster he is but would like to find out. He has feathers all the way down his legs and on his feet also and is black with iridescent green and blue in his feathers. He's very big. Don't know how much he weighs cause I've never picked him up since he's mean and wants to attack everyone. I have to take a rake in the pen with me just to feed them cause he wants to chase me and jump on me. Here's a picture of him and his girlfriend a Rhode Island Red named Red Riding Hood. Can someone tell me how many drops to put on him and on her and what kind of rooster he is? Thanks so much. He needs treatment right away, they're really bad! Need to do it tonight!

Put 6-7 drops on bare skin on the back of his neck. I'm not sure what breed he is; perhaps a Black Orpington or Black Cochin.
4-5 drops on bare skin on the back of the neck of your RIR hen.
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If I put it on him tonight, will it keep on killing them tomorrow too? Since I won't be able to clean out the chicken house tonight and will have to wait until tomorrow afternoon to do that part. I suppose that it would work kind of like flea drops you put on cats and dogs and keeps on killing any that may jump back on him from inside the chicken house until I can get it cleaned out.
I did put the Epernix on Harry and Red the same night I asked the question. I put 6 drops on Harry and 4 drops on Red. No problem with them they were very nice about it. The next day I still saw the little flying things around Harry. They are little round shaped white things and they fly and crawl. Never saw any on Red or around here. Are these mites? I didn't know that they could fly around. They're like little ghostly looking things. I dusted the house very well and all the hay too with poultry dust too the same night. Do I need to dust him also even though I put the drops on him? Would that be too much at once? Haven't looked yet today to see if there's any progress. The things are not flying around Red, just Harry.
Just an update on Harry & Red and my Gander, Scarface. I put the Epernix on Scarface, my gander, for a lice infestation. After the first dose of 8 drops, I did see a change, didn't see hardly any bugs on him at night the next day. During the 10 day wait for the second dose, I didn't see any at all. After the second dose, there seemed to be no more bugs on him, his face was looking better, and I did see where worms were killed the second time. Could have killed some the first time also, but wasn't able to monitor his poop as well the first time. He seems to be feeling much better, and no longer shakes his head all the time like he did.
Also put it on my Rooster and hen, 6 drops on rooster, 4 on hen. The next day, the little white flying thing were greatly reduced but not entirely gone from him. A couple of days after that, I went at night to check him out a little better, and found that his butt was raw and feathers were gone and some broken and white accumulations on the base of the broken feathers, I thought was evidence of lice or mite eggs? I dusted his butt really good with poultry dust and dusted him where ever I could get it on him and Red. The next day the white flying things were almost gone. I am going to clean out the coop and spray with Permetrin 10 spray. I looked for Permetrin ll but they didn't have it at TSC, so I got the Pemectrin 10. That should help things. Anyway bottom line is the Epernix worked for me!

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