Can I see some pics of your Quail hutches and coops?

ok I got some quail this weekend. They are really cute. But my question is the lady who sold them to me said they were mature and laying. I got 2 males and 4 females in brown and the same for the white. I have had them since Sunday and I only have gotten one egg. Is this due to the fact it may be a little chilly here in St. Petersburg or they are in a new place? Quail are new for me. I am use to chickens. Any ideas or suggestions.
You might want to move this to a new thread. you are in the Hutch and Coop thread.

But just be patient. It sometines takes a few weeks for them to adjust. Make sure they are getting 14-16 hours of light and good Gamebird feed.
Before pictures of a Quail pen I'm working on will have hardware cloth on floor and sides and sheet metal all the way around the center for shelter....




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