can I sell brother and sister as a pair?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
Basically I have 5 chicks now 8 weeks old, 2 are cockerals which I cannot keep. I think it is going to be difficult to sell a cockeral on it's own but am not sure if a brother and sister can be paired? or is this a no-no?
Please advise

thanks Deb x
Oh brilliant thanks for that!
Sure can, but it might not be as hard to get rid of the cockerals as you'd think. Call around to feed stores and see if there are any local sales/swaps you can take them to.
I don't know how it works in GB, but here in the US I can usually find a home for roos on Craig's List.
Craigslist is a website and can be used for a lot of different countries. ... It's nice to know the generation rule! Good luck finding a home for your brother/sister pair!
I am in the same boat - I have THREE cockerels that need to be re-homed. Try listing on Preloved, and Poultry Auctions (google it; I cannot remember the exact address). Let me know what you come up with!

You can, but i would state that they're brother and sister. You can inbreed for up to 3 generations SOMETIMES but it's not always like that. One time can be all it takes, it just depends..
I would not recommend inbreeding beyond one generation. If you sell them it would be nice if you advised the buyer that they were closely related.

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