Can I sell my muscovy eggs?


5 Years
Aug 16, 2014
Hey, I was wondering could I sell my muscovy eggs? they arent fertile tho, since i just found out my duck charlie who has been acting like a drake turned out to be a female since I separated her from the other two and found that she had started laying eggs. I have around 31 eggs and since i have no drake, there is really no use keeping the eggs and i dont feel like eating the eggs.... anyways can i sell them?
This is one of those "I don't feel safe selling them" kind of things if they have been sitting outside this whole time. If they have been sitting outside this whole time, I would not personally sell them. However, start gathering them and sell them in half dozens if they are fresh. Make sure people know that they are duck eggs though and have a different taste and texture than regular chicken eggs. I might even market the fresh eggs as "baking" eggs for like cakes and breads.
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I agree with Palm. I wouldn't feel good about selling, giving away, or even using those eggs. We live in such a litigious society that I don't even give away our totally fresh ones. The last thing I want is for someone to become ill and blame it on our duck eggs. If you're going to do it at all, I'd dispose of those and start with fresh ones :)
I feed excess eggs to my dogs, good ones of course. It is easy to tell if they are good when you crack them.

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