Can I still get fertilized eggs if the roosters have to live separately?


Duck Obsessed
15 Years
Jan 17, 2009
North Eastern PA
Okay so the problem here is that the town I live in only allows 6 eggs laying hens. I have seramas and I did all of the paperwork and paid the fee for the permit to keep them in a coop outside. The problem is that I also have 2 roosters. The guy in the cityhall building could not believe how tiny they are and I even brought my hen Sunny over to show him. He told me to not worry as much about the numbers and what not because of their size. BUT to try to still only have 6 of them outside at a time so nobody else gets any ideas with bigger chickens. He said if the roosters are not significantly louder than my parrots that I should keep them inside and "blame Polly". My original plan was to keep them in the bird room anyways. I run a HEPA filter and have full spectrum lighting on everyone's cages known as AviSun UVB bulbs;. It is my intention to let them lay fertile eggs and hatch chicks. Can the hens come inside and take turns spending the day/night with the roos or would that not work? The roosters live in 2 very large parrot cages that are back to back and they are usually out of the the cage for about 2-4 hours a day while I'm doing computer work.
As long as they have weekly visits with the male and seem to enjoy his company, you should
I think it will work out fine as long as there's no crazy rules about mating I don't understand. I did try to rehome the roos back when I found out the genders and not one single person was interested. I'm attached to them now and they seem very adapted to living in my computer room. I take them out seperately, as they like to fight, and they both like to petrol the room for crumbs and bits of food from my parrots then they usually end up on my computer desk hanging out for pets and some treats. I have pet 2 lizards so I grow and breed my own feeder insects to avoid having to run to a pet store twice a week. The seramas and button quails LOVE when I give them those. I do think they are happy and they have lived with the ladies (1 roo 3 hens in each setup) up until Tuesday when I got the okay to put them outside. I'm still not confident in leaving them outside overnight so everyone has been coming in around 7-9pm and staying in until around 7-9am.
Are you planning on hatching? Because that is going to produce more roosters, more pullets, and I think you are past your max now?
No i don't plan on hatching once they start laying. Just selling fertile eggs to help set back the cost of feed and bedding etc. The seramas are worth a decent price and are gaining popularity around here too. If I do hatch anything it will be for my in-laws for their farm or to sell as straight run chicks. My in-laws aren't quite set up yet for another coop or I would have brought Attila and Louie (the roos) up there before I got attached to them. Everyone is only 2 months old now so do have a while before I can expect eggs.

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