Can I trust them.

Maybe you could do a trial run while you're home and see what happens. My ducks are in a predator-proof run with an enclosed area for night time. Each night I go out and they march in and I shut the door behind them. Sometimes we don't make it home before dark and they are so used to the routine, they put themselves to bed. We have left them overnight when we're out of town and just leave the door open between the run and coop, and I assume they just stick with their routine of going into the coop when it gets dark - they feel safe in there. In the winter I do keep Christmas lights on in my run until about 9 so they aren't locked in their coop in total darkness for 15 hours.
Just set them to an hour after dark. Birds go and hunker down at dusk when they can still see. Every bird should be inside by then unless there is something making them want to stay outside more than go inside where it's safe
Ha ha not my ducks. Especially this time of year when the days are short and the back pasture is flooded and full of frogs. The are escorted into bed every night. One time we got stuck in town and got home an hour after full dark and they went in on their own but that was in summer. Since we have coyotes that’s too late to let them put themselves to bed.
I think automatic doors work better for chickens. I don't know about ALL ducks but mine tend to want to stay out late and have a pool party.

As to "will die" if out COULD die depends on what could kill them.
Predators would be more likely to kill them than the weather. If the run has been fortified then predation risks have been reduced.
My ducks NEVER put themselves to bed. If for some reason I don't herd them in before sunset, there's no telling where they'll be. Sometimes they'll be foraging nearby in the farmyard; last night they were bedding down next to a brush pile in the pasture above the orchard. We have LOTS of foxes and coyotes around, and I wouldn't want to place any bets on whether or not any of them would find the ducks.
My oldest ducks are 4 years old and have been put in every night with mealworms (except once when I forgot and left them out). They still wait for me to add the mealworms and herd them in. I do not think ducks are like chickens as far as this is concerned. I am thinking that maybe their instinct is to stay on the pond at night, not go and hide. Since mine only have small pools, that doesn't work well. Also, wild ducks can fly away from predators, not my fat, happy, domestic ducks. I wouldn't risk it. I hire a person to let my ducks out in the morning and put them in at night when I have to be gone.
My ducks tend to go inside on their own... but not every night. If you are going to do automatic doors I would make sure they are conditioned to be inside when the timer goes off. It all depends on your ducks
This is so interesting! There are so many different ways ducks respond at bedtime!

My ducks like to go to bed on time. If I'm running late they quack loudly from the doorway of their barn room. One of my ducks, who passed away, used to stand in the doorway right before dusk and quack at the rest of the ducks to hurry up and come to bed, lol.

I do give my ducks a little mealworm bedtime snack for going to bed - every night without fail. If we go away overnight we hire someone to tuck the ducks in, let them out, and give them food and fresh water. I would never trust an automatic door, even though my ducks do go inside and wait for me. They often go back out to get a drink of water or check if I'm coming.

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