Can I use DE in the coop if I am organic?

Here is a good article on DE. It may help you to understand how there can be both good and very very bad DE


And, you can always look up the MSDS on the product you are interested in. That will give you a pretty good picture of its silica content. The safest thing to do is to go online and order the good stuff shipped to you. It costs up front but it saves you in the extra cost of worry and illness ....

Gee whiz, or order it from Spatcher if you need a smallish amount. S/he's got the good stuff.
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Thanks everybody! That is what I thought, but then I noticed some DE was labeled "organic", so I thought, what the heck-isn't it just dead diatoms???!!
I have another question on DE - how do I use it? Do I shake some on the chickens themselves or put it in their boxes?
Thanks -
Wow...I'm shocked they would try to sell it like that. Anyhooo....I have organic chickies and we praise the DE. Also works great to get rid of ants and keep the flies down in the yard. With 50 lbs. of the'll put it everywhere.

I also mix it with their dust bath to keep 'em clean. Definitely wear a mask or scarf or something around your face when working in close quarters with it. Not good to inhale the little particles, the particulate matter basically scrapes on the way down and causes scarring. Similar to asbestos'll end up with a fibrosis-type condition later on in life...lack of elasticity in the lung. Okay...I'm done....if you hadn't noticed, I'm a respiratory therapist.
I am sooooo confused!!
1- The particles of DE are potentially detrimental to your respiratory system and should not be used by humans w/o a mask
2- Chickens have very delicate respiratory systems and are very prone to respiratory disease
3- Use DE in the chickens' bathing area and all around where they scratch constantly (causing dust)

Do humans' respiratory systems differ from chickens' THAT much or am I really missing something here??
I don't think that DE is good for anyone to breathe, including the chickens. I want my birds to live long, so adding stress to their lungs is a bad idea. It isn't so good for my asthma, either! I use Ivermectin on the birds if needed, and either Sevin or Poultry Dust in the coop when it gets cleaned out. Not organic, but very effective, and easy on the lungs. I had a bad red mite experience one winter; never again!!! Mary
I use sevin dust under the bedding, also mix a little in and a little sprinkled in the bottom of the nest boxes. and although it is not 'organic' it is an effective preventative AND treatment and it sits heavier than the DE.,,,,,with that being said although the sevin powder isnt as 'dusty' its still powder and both sevin and DE would be terrible to inhale in an enclosed space.
Can some one experiences with chicken tell me if DE is really healthy. I keep seeing many post with some liking DE and others saying it does not work and that it is not healthy for chickens. I would love some feed back. THANK YOU!

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