Can I use layer feed if I'm out of chick starter?

Corazon Ranch

7 Years
Jul 28, 2012

I just got home from vacation and found out we're out of chick starter feed. I have a full can of layer crumbles for my older batch of chickens and I was wondering if there is a way I can doctor that feed to make it more appropriate for these young birds. My rudimentary understanding is that the chick starter has higher protein, but I am probably severely over simplifying things. I just have to make it last until Monday when the feed store reopens.

Thanks in advance for any tips.

Zara, how old are your chicks? You may need to buzz the layer in your blender to make it small enough for them if it's in pellet form. Yes, layer is lower in protein. But, your chief concern is the higher calcium level. It won't hurt them to have it for a few days, but best practice is to not give chicks layer long term. You can give them a scrambled egg to make up the protein difference.
Yes if it's crumble a couple of days shouldn't harm them.
If they're sex-link or white leghorns you can switch to layers feed at 16 weeks, most other breeds I would switch at 18, IMO. GC

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