Can I wear bug spray around my ducks?


May 8, 2020
Can I wear bug spray around my duckling’s? I would make sure to spray myself far away from them and try to keep my hands clean if I have to touch them. Any ideas? The summers here are hot and humid and the bugs are really bad this year. The only time I would need some kind of bug repellent is when I’m supervising them during their daily yard free ranging time.
I’m not sure what will this spray have in it? Permethrin or deet? Permethrin can actually be sprayed on our ducks so that would be safe.

Hi thanks for replying!
It’s deet free and plant based. The other one I have is the Off brand deep woods bug repellent. I’m spraying myself away from them so it’s not in an area they’re around. Is that okay?

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