Can my chickens eat mango?

This is totally OT, but when preparing mangoes (for yourself or the chickens), be careful around the peel. Several years ago, I got one of the worst cases of poison ivy (I thought) that I had ever had. I had two rounds of steroids (which usually takes care of the bad outbreaks). During this time, I was eating a lot of mangoes. I love them so much, I'd cut every bit of the fruit from the peel, handling both, of course in the kitchen. Come to find out, mangoes are close biological kin to poison ivy. I got the same horrible resulting contact dermatitis because I handled the peel and cut the fruit too close to the skin, sometimes even chewing the fruit away from a bit of peel left on. You can read more here: I hated this because I love mango so much, but I had gotten sensitized to it and had to lay off for a while. Even now, I don't handle mango myself, although I can eat the delicious fruit without problems. This isn't true of everyone, but if you're really susceptible to poison ivy, it's worth taking extra precautions.

I was glad to read that chickens can eat mangoes because I have some frozen fruit with bits of mango in it -- they'll be enjoying some tomorrow in this awful heat!
our chickens love mango, I had one once I didn't get around to eating, it started to rot so i gave it to them, they destroyed it in seconds LOL
tried giving some to my girls today after reading your post.. they tasted and walked away and waited for me to come back with some peppermint so they could get that mango taste out of their beaks.
good to know! I just googled "is mango bad for chickens?" and all I got was recipes for Mango Chicken!
my birds have been eating all fruit that comes in the stores , only thing my birds won't eat is oinons and orange peels oh bell peppers ,if i stomp them they will eat the seeds out of the peppers tom!!!
Can you put the part of a Mango out for them that has the pit in it. There is a lot of fruit around the ones I just made baby food out of. Sure didn't know they were so hard to get apart!

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