Can my ducklings move outside in winter?


In the Brooder
Dec 3, 2020
Hello all! First time duckling mom with questions! We have had ducks for about 7 months now, stemming from a friend needing to surrender. We attempted to make an incubator old school and successfully hatched a baby Rouen exactly 4 weeks ago. We didn't want him to be lonely so long story short we now have 4 ducklings in the dining room! I'm wondering when/if I can move them safely outside with the older three. Temps here are very low - 20s to 40's - we do have an enclosure built under our trampoline that is cozy enough for the big babies but I don't know about these little guys. Also, if we do stay inside how much space will we need to keep them happy and at what age can both groups use the same feed? WHEW! I have about 487 more questions but i'll leave you poor dears alone! Any help is appreciated and you are all awesome! thank you! ****PHOTO OF GEORGIE FOR ATTENTION**** HAHAHA
They need to be fully featured at that temp unless you have supplemental heat. I would also gradually introduce the temp change. Maybe by putting them out during the day when its warmer and back in the house when reps start to drop. 4 weeks is when it starts to be awful to have them in. :sick You also need to have look don't touch for a while with the other ducks. So they need a portion of the pen divided off so the other ducks,especially Georgie can't get to them.
They need to be fully featured at that temp unless you have supplemental heat. I would also gradually introduce the temp change. Maybe by putting them out during the day when its warmer and back in the house when reps start to drop. 4 weeks is when it starts to be awful to have them in. :sick You also need to have look don't touch for a while with the other ducks. So they need a portion of the pen divided off so the other ducks,especially Georgie can't get to them.
Thank you so much!

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