Can my eggs still hatch?

silkie dude

In the Brooder
Jul 7, 2016
Sardinia Ohio
Ok I had a little giant 9300 incubator it said on the digital screen that the temperature was staying around 99.5 I had 21 before paying 1 giant 9300 incubator it said on the digital screen that the temperature was staying around 99.5 I had 21 buff orpington eggs in it and day 21 came around and none hatched I candled them and I can still see a lot of blood vessels somewhere moving inside and some warra eggs in it and day 21 came around and none hatched I candled them and I can still see a lot of blood vessels some were moving inside and some were not. So I opened one that wasn't and it was dead and I found several other eggs that look the same and weren't moving and they were all dead as well only thing I could Think of was if the temperature was wrong so I put an old mercury thermometer in it and it said it was only 91° when the digital one said it was 99.5° so I fired up my old incubator a Little giant 9200 and got the temperature to write under 100° and put the eggs that seem to still be alive in it . When candling The good eggs I accidentally dropped one and cracked it and it looked like it had been in an incubator for about 18 days after comparing it to some pictures online just wondering if there's any chance they remaining 10 may still hatch? as of now it's been a full 21 days almost 22.
I have both the 9300 and the 9200 as well. I was SO excited when I purchased the 9300. Digital readout, easy to dial in, better fit on the lid, it looked great! I fired it up, set it to 101.5F (mines a still air) and waited. When it said it was at temp, I popped my own therms in to verify everything was correct and discovered the 'bator was 3 degrees off. No big deal, I made a note of it and adjusted accordingly. Except, the temperature also varies so much from one side to the other that I had to pile all the eggs on one side so they were being heated properly. After trying to do countless hatches in it, I've come to the unfortunate conclusion that the 9300 is an absolute piece of crap and I wasted my money. I was going to buy a fan for it to see if it would help, but I'm not sinking anymore money into that thing.

If you can still return it, I'd recommend not wasting anymore of your time on that hunk of junk. Hovabator makes a much better incubator for just a little more money. Save yourself the headache and look for something else.

As for the unhatched eggs, all you can do is the best you can. They're obviously going to be late if they hatch, and you may have to assist them since they've had a rough go. :fl they manage okay!

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