Can my week old chicks play outside?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 15, 2014
Hi Everyone!

I got my 10 baby buff Orpington's on Wednesday! We are being blessed with a gorgeous sunny and 75-80 degree day here and I would LOVE to put them in the run(No other chickens are currently in there) to let them play for a bit when it hits the 75 degree mark today. Would this be ok or do I have to wait longer?
I would wait a week. Right now the ideal temperature range for them is a bit higher at 80-85. The size holes in the run wire also needs to be 1/2" or they will slip out and can easily be lost or eaten.
I would wait till they were about 1 month. This way if there are any predators they can fight them off, it all depends, do you have a fenced in yard for them to run around in, this way they would stay close, if you are just letting them out in the run I would wait s week that way they grow strong and and the weather might be warmer
Not arguing with the previous posters they are right. ..

But I've been placing my week old chicks outside just for 10-15 min ... they don't seem cold or nothing ... it's been 65-70 here... they run around and look for bugs it's kinda cute....

But this is HIGHLY supervised .. I sit in the grass with them and watch them very carefully and look out for predetors.

If they start bunching up that means they are cold.


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I take my chicks out on warm days after week 1. They love it.
I made a movable enclosure out of PVC to keep them separate from my dogs and any hawks that might be around and I stay with them the whole time. Just make sure they have shelter from predators, and watch their behavior to make sure they're warm enough. They'll love it.

Letting them out for short periods now is fine. If they were raised by a Momma hen, they would sure be out running around, scratching and playing. They would take time to go back under Momma to warm up every so often, but I doubt you plan to leave them out for hours and hours anyway.
Thanks for all the advice!! I was thinking maybe for 10 minutes or so for some sunshine and I would be right there with them the whole time in a closed in area. Again, you are all so helpful. It's much appreciated!
I let mine out today for an hour or so. They are almost five weeks old. This is our setup for today and tomorrow when we put them out. We will have a 'roof' on the top so nothing can get to them.
Sure! I let my four day old turkey poults out yesterday and today (it was around 80 degrees). They loved it! Even found a few bugs to eat :) The chicks also went out, but they are two weeks old now.

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