Can one chicken lay 2 eggs in one day, as it's first eggs ever?

I was just wondering this also I have 3 hens 1 lays white eggs 1 lays light brown long skinny eggs and 1 lays dark brown short fat eggs this morning I got 2 dark brown and 1 white eggs the second brown egg had very thin shell and was cracked the other was fine we normally have thick shells that's why I'm pretty sure she laid 2at once
My Australorp laid her first egg this morning. I was very Eggxited when I found it.
I'm glad I fould this post. I've been worried about my RIR. She has been laying a large double yolk egg in the mornings and in the evening two soft shell eggs. Once she layed the soft shells within a minute apart. She goes to the nest to lay the hard one but the soft shells she layes outside. Last night I saw her lay one of the soft shells in the evening but then the other came when she got on the roost at night. Because it was longer apart the shell was between soft shell and hard. She appears to be healthy, but this can't be good for her body.
I just sat 12 inches away from my Buff Orpington 6 months old, lay her first egg(s), I am 110% sure, I watched her with my eyes lay 2 eggs as her first egg ever!!! So, Yes!!
Ok I'm gonna sound like I'm full of sh*t, but I went out to do a head count tonight after falling asleep for hours after work. Its dark. I felt all 6 girls were accounted for (all 11 months old). I went to the nest for collect the eggs, I'm feeling around in the dark......and there were 10. 10 full size, perfect eggs in one nest. Couldnt even fit them all in my pockets. I wish someone else was home to see it. 6 hens. 10 eggs. Nuts.
My Light Sussex, Jeanie, just joined the 2 fer 1 club today! Went out, got her egg out from under her, stupidly dropped it, went inside to cook it up and mix it with feed for a treat and went out to give it to them all, she's still in the box so I go to get her and she popped it out right in front of me!
I have an Araucana pullet. She has started laying in the past couple of months. I have found 2 blue eggs two days in a row now. I thought perhaps she had hidden one somewhere and then moved it back to the nesting box but now I see another double lot I am wondering if she is just laying twice per day. Interestingly one is blue and the other is slightly greenish tinged. Both are hard shelled and perfect size (same size as each other). Yesterday I heard a strange sound and looked out the door to find a blue egg in amongst the shoes at the door with her scurrying off. I wonder if she got caught short and just had to lay there? I have another daft hen that likes to lay her eggs on the front door step. She also lays in the nesting box but "only if she has too". I wonder if laying 2 eggs per day is more common in the blue egg layers?
We have 2 Ostrolop Hens they are about 1year and 3 months old for the last two weeks when collecting the eggs late afternoon we found 3 eggs to our surprise. So it is possible.

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