Can One Rooster Live Alone?

Barry Natchitoches

11 Years
Sep 4, 2008
My wife insists that she heard one of my 12 week old peepers do a loud "cock-a-doodle-dooooo" yesterday. I bought 6 peepers in March, and they were all supposed to be pullets.

I got looking at them after that, and one of the two easter eggers has a red comb that is larger than the others, has alot of red on the wings (which the other easter egger does not have), and that particular bird's feathers are just more flashy than the other's. And I know that in the bird kingdom, the male is always flashier and prettier than the females.

So I think that that one easter egger might, maybe, be the bird that let out the loud "cock-a-doodle-dooooo" -- that is, a roo.

If that is the case, I can't let him live in the hen house, can I?

I can leave him in the chicken tractor when I move the younger girls in with the older hens at age 17 weeks or so.

But will he be lonely without anybody else living with him?

Should I get him another roo to keep him company?
Depends on whether you already have a roo, or if you have a problem with eating fertile eggs.
I live on 5 acres, and my roo looks out for the ladies. Any time I walk around the corner he comes running up to check me out, same with the dw. Fertile and non-fertile eggs taste the same , so I hear. I look forward to "tasting" that theory when my hens begin to lay; should be any day now.

As to the question af a roo living alone, the feed store I go to has a single roo living on the premises, a very handsome guy at that.
If you live in a place where you can keep a roo, I would personally keep him. A rooster gives the flock social structure some stability, and they are very good at watching the skies - - where the hens will generally spend their time looking at the ground pecking goodies.

A good roo will also give his life to protect his flock.

Good luck with whatever you decide!
If you DO choose to keep him separate, I would really give him at LEAST a buddy. Chickens are social animals the thrive on their order. But I agree with the others. If you don't mind fertile eggs, keep him with the girls. We've held onto a number of roosters for 2 years and have yet to lose any of our dear pets to predators. And last year one of my roosters fought of a hawk that was attacking his hen. She wouldn't be here today without him.

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