Solved Can people stop responding to 10 year old threads?

Let's pretend that I have an old locked thread about something like blackhead (histomoniasis), which is a topic I know a lot about. Are you saying that person should shart a new thread? Chances are I will never see that thread, and if someone tags me, I probably won't see the tag either.
The problem is people don't understand the different functions available on the internet. Honestly, get rid of the GUI and 99.9% of the annoyance will disappear.
I don’t think older threads should be locked, but I do wish they weren’t filling up the similar threads section.
Just scrolling down and looking at my similar threads right now, most of them are from 2012 and before, and they aren’t relevant to this particular situation. Some people have posted links in this thread to actual similar threads, I wish that’s what would come up at the bottom.
I think a new feature should add value and be something people can use. I’ve learned not to use similar threads because it generally doesn’t help me - I get stuck in a thread where no one exist anymore, and some informative, best practices, etc does change over time.
But ... some things never change, and I think it’s important to have access to older threads - I guess the similar threads section is just a little annoying for me.
This may have come up within the 5 pages of this thread - but what trips me up sometimes is the section below the thread you're currently reading which has similar topics and I need to watch the dates carefully!

I think that is what's happening 100%. I know it has been mentioned a few times in this thread. If you scan through you will see a few links by Nifty-Chicken to another thread explaining things a bit more.

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