Can Pigs fly?

I hope ya'll are happy! Not only am I addicted to chickens, dogs, and having a large yen for goats....but PIGS...oh yes, and not just your plain ole run of the mill kind....I want FLYING pigs!

Guitartist- please tell me that your little pig, with wings, is for sale?

animal lover- And if i could only be that contented, with a full belly, dirty face, and laying on the grass....heavenly!

Oh, I reminded the Rev. how he dearly loves bacon and sausage for breakfast..... (I saw a twinkle in his eye!)
six months and the Rev. could have ham, sausage, bacon, pork chops, tenderloin....need I go on? With the high price it is nice to know we will have some meat come winter. Think about it.....................

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