Can pullets get tamed if not been handled?


Feb 15, 2023
First time buying pullets and wonder if it will be difficult to tame them. I usually by babies and all mine are friendly. Anyone have experience with taming grown chickens who have not been handled much from the breeder?
First time buying pullets and wonder if it will be difficult to tame them. I usually by babies and all mine are friendly. Anyone have experience with taming grown chickens who have not been handled much from the breeder?
I got a pullet who was at first terrified of me I spent a lot of time sitting with her. She now follows me like a dog and will sit on my lap her choice. Also let’s me pick her up and doesn’t mind. I’m sure you could do it.
What does tame mean to you? I almost never handle my chickens and they're completely comfortable with my presence. I have 5 generations raised by feral broodies in the forest and they all trust me
For me tame means they come to me for food and don't run when I walk in the coop. Don't like being picked up is fine, but mine don't scream or struggle if I do....two of my six now will jump on my shoulder or lap when I got some goodies. To me that is tame.
For me tame means they come to me for food and don't run when I walk in the coop. Don't like being picked up is fine, but mine don't scream or struggle if I do....two of my six now will jump on my shoulder or lap when I got some goodies. To me that is tame.
That’s what I also view as tame. Except mine always want to cuddle even if i don’t have anything. I’m sure you could do it as I also tamed a young cockerel so he would sit on my lap. I hadn’t raised him so it was hard but it can be done.
You feed them and they will get use to you. My husband can sit in the chair in their pen and they will come sit on the arms of the chair. We never tried to handle either. Just let them come to us. Try giving treats from you hand too.

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