Can rats be let outside?


I Am THE Crazy Duck Lady
11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
I own two doe rats that i love to spoil.
I met someone a few weeks ago that also had some rats, and we began talking. She said she let her rats outside ( in a controlled setting ) to play in the grass and such.

Well Ive know of people that let their ferrets play outside, but what about rats?
My first thought was the bugs and substances getting into their systems, so I didnt think it was healthy.
Is it ok?

Any and all views are appriciated!
I prefer that rats always stay out side

Seriously, though, we let our hamsters play outside and they loved it. Stuffed their cheeks with fresh grass and dandelions. Just make sure you have them on a tether or in an enclosure, that there are no predators around, and that the yard hasn't had any fertilizer or insecticide sprayed on it since the last big rain.
It's all fun and games till one runs off and gets into your neibors house.... especally when you are the one KNOWN to have alot of animals....

"....ummm I have a black and white mouse running around my house.... are you missing one???"

me "I don't know what you are talking about...."
It Can be done but you have to be very very carefull. They could become pray to some dog or cat that decides you arnt paying close enough attention, Takes about 2 seconds.
They could eat soemthing harmfull to them in even less time then that.
If they got away from you you would probly have just about an immpossible time getting them back.
Just don't let them escape. They are kinda cute, the pet rats, but I can't stand the wild ones. My grandma once lived at a house and had a bunch of hamsters and colored mice. She would say I caught the weirdest looking mouse today it was white with brown spots or something like it had really long brown hair. Wasn't until I went to visit that I told her those aren't regular mice. It turns out the neighbors had pet hamsters and mice and let them all outside because they didn't want them anymore. So they all came inside my grandma's walls and started to breed. My friend in HS used to sneak her pet rat into school sitting on her shoulder under her long hair. We'd all play with it in the classes that the teacher didn't care that it was there. It was a real sweetheart.
Thanks! I have a large pen lined with rat wire that I used for the rabbits and ducklings.
They cant get their little selves through that so I was going to put it on the ground with out the tub on bottom an play with them then.

Im just worried about them eating something harmful, are there any plants toxic to them? We just cut our grass ( we dont use pesticides, except some clorox on ant hills in the back feild ) and have some clover around. I used to have outside rabbits and it was fun playing with them out there.

I just dont want anything to happen to my little girls!
When I was younger and raised show rats, I had a little playpen I bought at Petco made specifically for rats and hamsters and the like. I'd use it to take my favorite rat, Socks, out on the grass.

Mind you, this rat was tame tame tame, I would let her go in my room and she would sit near me and have a snack.

The breeze shouldn't bother him/her at all.

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