can roos have hemrhoids? GRAPHIC PIC

Well, of course it's super hard to know unless you can actually see in person, but male's can't prolapse. I honestly think it's just a result of the poo being stuck to his butt for awhile. It can sting and cause inflammation.

ETA: so long as he's nice & clean first, I'd try some Prep H on his butt.
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Ok, I am going to bring him inside for a day or so, (hubby gonna kill me. I dont have a cage) get some new shaving and stuff and get the place torn down today. I am not going down without a fight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I prep h'd him last night and this am already.

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Oh, girlfriend - you need to watch your local Craigslist and find yourself a dog crate! They work wonderfully well when you have a chicken that needs recuperation! Be creative....look around to see what you might be able to convert into a chicken cage, even if it's just for awhile. Large cardboard boxes work great, and you can then just burn them when you're through with them...
UPDATE: 11/23 I came home and brought him in side and gave hime my laundry room. He seemed a little better but his butt was still swollen and pushed out. He was really receptive, he ate a lot of scrambled eggs and yogurt again. drank lots of water. this was about noonish. he stayed in a nice comfy warm blanket, in my laundry room with a view of the bird feeder, yard, etc. (SPOILLLEEEDDDD). he was content. tired as all. No fever, no shaking. hey, if you had a warm bed, just pigged out and was tired what would you do>????? well he slept most of the afternoon. i went out and cleaned the entire coop out, sanitized, powdered with permitherin, shook what i had left on one other roo ( i need to go get more powder today to finish the rest of the girls!), rebedded them, sprayed the roosts, etc. and went back inside to check on Blu. he ate more, drank more, and was still clear water diarr.



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i went back out to burn the bedding and finish up with my other birds for the night. I came back in and Blu did not look good. something had taken a change and not for the better. There were spots of blood in his latest poo. It wasn't really spots per say, but almost like chunks of something in blood. (????) I picked him up and he sat in my lap on the couch for awhile. He did not seem to be in any pain, but was really tired. I had a bad feeling, but didnt know when to call it quits. Blu had a few more totally clear watery poo with the blood clots in them, and was just getting weaker by the hour. He started to have a little bit of labored breathing and fell over in my arms by about 7 PM. My Blu was not going to make it. Now he was suffering. My heart was breaking, but I knew what I had to do. My husband had grown up in the city, and was not sure what I was going to have to do. He thought maybe i could just give him something and make him go to sleep.

I did what I had to do. I cried. I feel like I have failed him. His mother let him die. I am sure we have all felt like this before. We all know the pain and suffering of loosing a loved one. But I keep thinking I did something wrong. What did I miss??????
Well, Blu is gone, I miss him, but I have 10 others to take care of. So, I was finally able to get out and get the Permitherin spary and TSC. I got in and gave them all a nice little 1/2 oz. of solution on their backs and lets cross our fingers. I still have not been able to fine ONE other mite or lice on any of my 10 left. nothing!

I am noticing that my girls feathers are starting to look freyed and ragged. I have two that look like they may need aprons soon! thought it was from my Roo Bird though. My roo Bird is starting to look dirty and ragged too. none are scratching or acting really wierd. all are eating well. I am still getting 8 eggs from 9 hens per day. They are out everyday for a few hours in the snow. (only if they want to be) I give them maybe a 2 cup of scratch outside for all 10 of them. they get regular Puring layers crumbles free choice. they have gravel inside in a container free choice, oyster shells inside freechoice. I give them either a head of lettuce, or head of cabbage, or I shovel a small part of the yard so they can have fresh grass daily. all seem ok poo wise except one. I am seeing one other poo that may be starting to look like water. PLEASE tell me no..... not a second one.

any advise???? I am hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.

Merry Christmas.... fa la la la laaaaaaaaaaaaa

Wyn. yea, i got a dog crate off of Craigs list today. I just couldnt afford one until today. He had a nice big laundry room!!!
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I'm so sorry for you and Blu. It's a tough thing to do. I had to do for Lucy, my first hen, this summer, for similar reasons. It's the worst part of taking care of critters, but you did the right thing. You were with him till the end and he was well-looked-after, and loved, and that's the best you can offer. Hang in there, and good luck with the rest of your flock.
yea, i know... I still feel like I failed him. I know I didnt, and I have been through this a gazillion times when I was young. Just never changes the way we feel about it though.

God has a reason for everything, I know.

Just still makes ya wonder why.

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