can roos have hemrhoids? GRAPHIC PIC


sorry about your roo
and your kitties.
my kitty was hit by a car 2 days before my bday in nov. so i know how you are feeling
I lost my Rox (15 yr. old cat) back in October, my Sam (19 yr. old cat) two weeks ago, and Blu, my roo on Christmas Eve. SOmeone has it in for me I think. It's been a hard year for me. BUt I am sure there are worse people with worse situations out there so I should not complain. I am grateful for what I have and that I have a job and husband that loves me. (um, yea, and that he puts up with chicken and cat obsessions). MY cat Sam I have had over half my life. That has been a hard one to overcome. I have never been able to have children, so, i know it's kinda stupid, but my two cats were pretty much my kids.

I am so sorry to hear about your cat too. We are such sappy women arent' we all????
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I guess so!!!!!!
i cried for weeks about my kitty. a few days later my sweet DH brought home a puppy! well i am not a dog person at all. after i knew my kitty wasnt coming home i said i did not want anymore animals ONLY chickens. well i ended up liking the stupid dog except after we had him for a few days he did not like DH and would bite him and pee and poop all over the place!! this went on for a few weeks and finally i said i couldnt take it anymore! i found the puppy a new home - i was sad to see him go but it was like having another child having to take him out all the time to go the bathroom all the while my girls are screaming in the house - only to have him not go - then bring him in and bam - pee on the floor. i said i didnt want anymore animals after my kiko was gone - and i feel bad for DH he tried - like oh ill get her a puppy for her bday and she will forget about her cat. only made me miss my kitty more...cats are not stupid like dogs. i have always been a cat person. now i know why - dogs are stupid - forgive me anyone who loves dogs but they are just not for me - not now anyway - maybe when my kids are older and they can take the dog out!! well the good news is our upstairs neighbors think that my cat may have knocked up their cat
they are hoping not - i hope so - then i can have one of my boys kiddies! that is the only way i will get another cat for a long time... right after he died
my friends farm where i got him had more kittens and they were like - do you want one? i politely said no thanks and then cried the whole ride home.
and NO it is not stupid at all... my chickens are like my kids and i have kids lol my 2 roosters have been acting up and i know what i probably should do... but i love those idiots.
hey, I had 3 roos. I couldnt 'off any of them. I found a great person on here in southern OHio to take one roo and i let his hen tag along to make sure i didnt have to off any. the second roo and my 3rd roo got along pretty well, so they have lived with my 8 hens since APril. I tried the dog thing too, didnt work either. l
I am a cat person. There are so many stray ones out there, and my home is plenty big enough for 2 or so. I cant keep my door closed to them. It's ahome where they would be loved. Yea, it's gonna be hard, and I can never replace her, wouldnt want to. but help a few others out? I am obligated to. i would love to. that same with my chickens, if there's a home needed for a stray, or abused, or unwanted chicken? bring 'em on!

Now I just need to find my May a friend from someone who doesn't want their hen anymore!!!!!!
Awe...I'm so sorry! I was so hoping for a really good ending to this situation!

I am wondering if your flock has worms...often they go hand with external parasites. Sounds like you've done a good job with getting rid of the mites...if they are looking ragged, and especially since you saw blood clot looking things in your roo that passed, I would wonder about an internal worm load. Might be your next's a really good (and recent) thread with good info.:
i have used the permitherine spray on my flock yesterday. I am going to need to clean out my coop tomorrow morning FIRST THING. I had used the powder in the coop, in the bedding, walls, etc. Now everytime they scratch it is like someone let off a flour bomb. it is so dang dusty, none of us can even breath. (birds and me) I am worried that they should not be inhaling this. They just done seem right to me. The way Bird looks at me like he is asking what the $&%^%^????????? my hens are squabbling a lot more, picking at each other, seem to be losing weight, feathers look like crap, eating me out of house and home too.

MAYBE TIME TO WORM???? I think you guys may be right.

I am going to start with teh Wazine 17 in the water, then 10 days later go to Valbazen.

please please please let this work.
I found the Wazine and gave them their 24 hours worth. That was Monday afternoon. I tore down the coop and used the permitherin spray. The amount of dust that was in the air in the coop was horrible from the dust. It was bothering me every time I was inside with them, I can imagine how they must feel. The weather has warmed up here a little, so I have shoveled WAY to much of the yard for them and kicked them outside to get some fresh air. (we his 40 degrees today!) they seem a lot more relaxed and a little happier since then. (its been two days). Two of my hens are eating WAY to much crumble. one has the messy poo starting and she just keeps looking at me. I did get them all sprayed with the premise permitherin spray last week too. SO now i need to wait until the 10 days are up and get them going on the next worming step. I can not seem to find the Valbazene anywhere. I need to do some research and order. Does anyone know if I can use the eprinex instead?

Never mind, i have ordered the Valbazen and we shall see how it goes.

I have never seen a hen eat so much. she just cant get enough!!!! is that normal fo them to do that when they have worms?????
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Hi fishnet,

I dont know about all of the drugs you used, but I have used dog Heartguard for scaly mites on my hens. Twice this year. I take one tablet for about 26-40ish lb dog and break it into small pieces and feed it to 6-8 hens.
It kills those mites in nothing flat.

If you have any thing similar from your cats, you might want to try it. Cant eat eggs for 2 weeks.

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