Can scaly leg mites be confused for Bumblefoot?

Been treating as if Bumblefoot, but after reading that link, I started wondering if I was treating the wrong thing. I do see the black scab, but I also think I'm seeing some lifting scales.... So no black scabs with mites?
It's also possible they have both bumblefoot and scale mites - unfortunately it doesn't have to be one or the other. The two can co-exist.
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It's also possible they have both bumblefoot and scale mites - unfortunately it doesn't have to be one or the other. The two can co-exist.

x2- If you have lifting scales I'd definitely dip each leg in mineral oil or veg oil every day for 2 weeks to smother the mites. Also it is helpful to smear oil on the comb and wattles as scaly leg mites can attack the face too.

For bumblefoot I personally don't treat it unless there is swelling or the chicken is limping, etc. I have never had to do the bumblefoot surgery. So I am not the one to ask about that, sorry.

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