Can sex-link coloring be wrong?!?!!?


Froths Milk for Hard Cash
11 Years
Jun 26, 2008
Tacoma, WA
Is the sex-link coloring a sure thing? I have a black sex-link whose coloring definitely says that it's a girl, but Dang, those wattles are huge! Not to mention the pointy neck feathers and the fact that she's a BIG girl. I'm confused. Any opinions? Her age is iffy. I got her from the feed store the end of May, but she's always been bigger then her barred rock sister. She may have been a week old or so when I got her. That would put her around 4 months. There's no crowing, but she tends to growl at me when I get home from work. (A pretty freaky sound, I must say!)

Here's a shot of those wattles.


And here's a body shot.

Looks like a girl to me! I bet those pointy neck feathers are like the ones my EE has, they look pointy because of their coloring, but they really are blunt if you get up close and look. If she is was hatched the last of May she would still be about 17wks, a rooster would have much bigger comb and wattles at that age.
Nope, no roosters. We're all city girls here. No boys allowed. If she wasn't a sex-link I would have thought she was a rooster for sure!
Definitely a pullet. I just asked if my Black sex-link was a Roo because of her large comb and wattles. I then learned that they are color coded!
I'd totally forgotten that's what sex-linking is all about.

Anyway, here's a picture of my 4 month old girl....


Amazing huh?
Here is a pic of our Black Sex link.

She is WONDERFUL... the first to lay eggs in our flock and she just loves to be held and spoiled.

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