Can silkies get along with other chickens?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 14, 2009
North Central Florida
Or will the others beat them up too bad? I have standard EE's, standard Barred Rocks, a standard light brahma, and Japanese bantams. I want to increase my # of bantams, but don't know if silkies are the way to go. I am thinking about them because they are easy to get and they should lay much better than the Japanese bantams.
I think as long as their crest and beards are not too big and they can see, they are fine. I have a pair that have free-ranged and cooped with my big girls and even a light brahma roo that get along fine.
My 4 silkies get along fine with my others. I have EEs, Welsummers, one BO roo, and one frizzle hen and they all get along just fine. The frizzle hen was the only full grown hen I had last fall and she thought she was the mother to the silkies. It was really cute.

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