can some chickens grow faster than others


8 Years
Nov 6, 2011
Hi i got 6 bb bantams chicks that i bought a 2 months ago when i got them they were all the same size but now 5 of them are bigger than a nother on and she just died this mornin:hit
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You betcha they can grow at different rates. It's the same with any baby animal.

However, you do need to keep an eye out for extreme differences in growth rate within the same breed. If one in particular is left in the dust by the others, it most likely has a genetic or developmental problem, which often turns fatal.

I'm sorry for your loss.
I haven't raised baby chicks in many years but my 32 three week old chicks are various sizes although the different breeds are similar in size. The black sex links are the smallest. I have never had them before so I found that interesting.

Oh, they do. They're like people I suppose in a way. One of mine, always the small and fiery one, had a sudden growth spurt and shot up into a very big, very fat hen, overtaking all the others.
Although I agree with Pele, if one is lagging behind it will probably get picked on by the others.
Sorry you lost the little chicken. It probably had some condition which meant that it wasn't ever going to make adult life.

As to the question about growth rates, there's a lot of individual variation. It is not always the one(s) who have an early growth spurt who end up to be the biggest birds. Some are 'late bloomers'.

Brahmas take up to two years to achieve their maximum size.
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