Can some please tell me what's wrong with my chick(pictures)

Vents are looking good almost all closed, took the tie off spraddled so back on, I have that rubber liner??even had it in the incubator, but again he looks way better. how far apart should the loops be on the tie??
Again thanks for the info, when i first looked at it I thought I would have to cull it, but immediately went to my chicken bible (this forum) and new I could get some help.
ALRIGHT!!!!!! sounds like its little legs aren't strong enough yet. Give him/her some more time, it'll get the hang of it. Excellent on the vents, I'm glad they closed up.. Sounds like your doing very well as a chicken mom.... SO GLAD YOU DIDN'T CULL... at least not yet..... Now, It's been awhile has he/she eating or drank anything? Ground up the food to almost a powder, they love that.... Next thing is to watch for pasty butt... It seems like and this could be coincident but it seems like the ones that have spraddle in my flock, they get the pasty butts after. Grounded up Oatmeal works well for that... as far as the loops, what I do is put two knots in the hair tie, make sure the knots are in the middle. I would say the space between each foot is more important, have the space about a finger apart. Another words, take your finger put it in between it's legs and if both feet touch your finger, your good. You want him to have some capable to move or walk around but you don't want it so wide that it won't straighten out.. The best way is with the hair tie on check to see if its all squared. Sort of if you were to take a ruler and put it on the side of the wings that the out part of it's legs would would line up with it. It's going to need its legs close to under the body in order to stand and walk properly..
Thanks!!! I will move the bands closer, it's eating and drinking without any trouble, it hops to the dishes etc.
I'm off to change the bands:D
Well better but not fixed:( yet, I feel sorry for it as it rolls around at times and other times does stand up straight and hops around. Will just keep hoping for the best, it sure is cute!!
Oh what kind of vitamins and where do I buy them??? He now has the runs!!
Poor little thing but still not walking perfect:(

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