Can Someone "Approve" My Brooder Plans?

Also to add, THANK YOU for putting your general location in your profile, so we know what your weather might be like. This helps us answer you better, without asking where are you located all the time. :bow

That being said, you may have to keep your water from freezing in the winter, keep this in mind about your adult waterer. here's a link to how I made my 5 gallon heated waterer.
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I used vertical waterers in my brooder. No problems. I have them in my coop, too (for days I sleep in and don't let them out until after sun up - LOL). It dripped, so I put a lil silicone around it. Now it's leak free.

Of course, my girls prefer to drink from puddles rather than my fancy-shmancy waterer.
I love all of the advice! I'm new to chickens, or will be in May, with 17 chicks arriving the 3rd week! I plan to keep 9 to 11 of them and rehome the rest once I can identify who's who. (I ordered 8 pairs of females and they are throwing in a freebie.)
I have a big moving box in the basement that I'll cut in half lengthwise, when it's time for the big box.
I also just ordered the BV heating pad from eBay (free shipping!) and a dozen vertical water nozzles for a homemade 5 gallon bucket waterer for the coop.
Love the pvc elbow 5 gallon bucket feeder idea -- will be making a couple of those too!
Btw, I originally had decided to have my chicks delivered in April, but then decided to wait until after the tomato plants where in the garden so I'd have more time to baby the girls!
I also just ordered the BV heating pad from eBay (free shipping!) and a dozen vertical water nozzles for a homemade 5 gallon bucket waterer for the coop.

I looked up the BV heating pad and it is an on/off switch, so you won't be able to lower the temperature when needed. Even with the mama heat pad you need to be able to adjust the temp, to keep the chicks happy. If it's to hot they won't want to use it.

The vertical nipples will freeze in winter, even if you heat the water. Your better option would be horizontal nipples. You can put a non floating stock tank de icer in the bucket and the horizontals will not freeze. This gives you a year round waterer.
I looked up the BV heating pad and it is an on/off switch, so you won't be able to lower the temperature when needed. Even with the mama heat pad you need to be able to adjust the temp, to keep the chicks happy. If it's to hot they won't want to use it.

The vertical nipples will freeze in winter, even if you heat the water. Your better option would be horizontal nipples. You can put a non floating stock tank de icer in the bucket and the horizontals will not freeze. This gives you a year round waterer.

I didn't need to adjust mine. But maybe I should have. I'm so new.... Could be I was in the wrong.
I still want one that will keep the poop and shavings completely out of the water.
This one looks to be made specifically for chicks. What do you guys think?
That looks pretty slick, if it works as advertised...haven't ever seen that one before.

Vertical waterers can drip or leak but I used to use one and didn't have any issues with that. In an enclosed setting like a brooder it will get the litter wet, so maybe there's a way to put a drip catcher underneath, or you'll just need to clean out the litter in that area more frequently.
Best solution I saw for drippy VN's was a shallow dish with a flat bottom(like a large jar lid) full of marbles or stones underneath, catches drips but gives 'dry' footing......will need to be cleaned daily tho.

I use open chick waterers with marbles and also have an HN available,
at about 2 weeks I start removing the open waterer for most the day as they figure out how to use the HN's.
That looks pretty slick, if it works as advertised...haven't ever seen that one before.

I bought two of these for my chicks. I only have one up right now but it’s great. I’m using puppy pads for now and can see the moisture underneath- it’s pretty minimal.

The only issue I have is the hanger system for the kennel I’m using leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve had to clamp the holder to keep the waterer in place. Some folks just set them on top of the heater plate or on an upturned dish.
I bought two of these for my chicks. I only have one up right now but it’s great. I’m using puppy pads for now and can see the moisture underneath- it’s pretty minimal.

The only issue I have is the hanger system for the kennel I’m using leaves a lot to be desired. I’ve had to clamp the holder to keep the waterer in place. Some folks just set them on top of the heater plate or on an upturned dish.
Have you tried changing out the nipples?
I was not impressed with the hanger, looked like it would be hard to get container in there with the black elbow fitting attached.
Oh you are probably referring to the wire holder that comes with it. There is a different holder setup for wire cages and the whole thing just slips right in but the clamp doesn’t provide enough pressure to hold the container very well.

There is another clamping system for placing it on a wood post. Once they are out in the run, I’ll put the containers out there.

Very easy to fill with the top flap!

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