Can someone help me find a Valencian Figurita breeder in Washington state?


7 Years
Jun 2, 2012
Washington state
I love Valencian Figurita pigeons. But I am having a very hard time finding a breeder in Washington state. I am into show Seramas, so I have contacts, but no one I know is into Valencian figuritas, or even fancy pigeons in general. So I'd like to know if there's anyone breeding Valencian figuritas in western Washington, or on the Oregon coast. I am looking for one pet quality female, with a good temperament, preferably black or white, although color isn't important. Thanks!:D
I get $25 per bird. If you are ok with one that is a little over size I would sell them for less. Might be able to send them back with a friend after next weeks show in sacramento. I will check and see if he is coming down.

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