can someone help me identify this christmas treat my GF brought home


10 Years
Jul 14, 2009
newport news va
it looks and taste like corn pops(cereal) but is a little bigger and obviously home made. it has a clears sugary and shiny coating on it. they are good but i don't really know what it is and i am in the mood to eat the whole bowl.


To me it looks like hull-less kernel free carmel corn. Around here thay sell it at the county fair and different events. It comes prepackaged. There are different companies that make it but the one that comes to mind is cosmos carmel corn. It always reminds me of cheets puffs but made with corn and covered in carmel instead of cheese.
My friend makes that....can't remember exactly what she calls it, but I can get you the recipe if you want.

ETA: I got the recipe from her....hers looks just like your pictures.

One 8 oz bag of Corn Puffs ( in the chip aisle, not cereal)

In a sauce pan cook for 5 minutes:
1 cup brown sugar
1 stick margarine or butter
1/4 cup white corn syrup

Remove from heat and add 1/4 tsp. baking soda.
Pour over "corn pops" in large pan. Stir well.
Bake at 220 - 225' for one hour, uncovered.
Stir every 15 minutes.
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