can someone help me regarding a hen laying on her eggs


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 20, 2011
My hens lay beautiful eggs every day. I give them water and food in the AM then again in the evening. I also pet them and spend some time with them as well as collect the eggs in the evening.

I was out of town for a week and a family member was taking care of them. Well she apparently was afraid of collecting the eggs and didnt. Since I got home a few days ago I noticed the black and white hen has been sitting on the pile of eggs (4 hens laying for a week = pile!). She just wont get off of them. I know they are garbage but I am worried about her. She doesnt seem to be getting off to eat or drink???? I've been checking constantly for the last two days and shes always on those eggs.

I do not have any roosters and I live in the city so it would be HIGHLY unlikely that somehow some neighbor had a rooster (which I would also have heard by now LOL) so I'm 100% positive that there is no baby chick in those eggs.

Help! what do I do?? Is she going to be ok if I just let her be???
Sounds like she's getting broody. Boot her off the eggs and take them out. She may stop laying but, I've been hearing that some hens are molting already so maybe she's going to soon also. It is important to get the eggs out of there or they will want to sit on them. I put golf balls in there to try and get mine to lay (which worked!) so maybe you can do that and see how it goes from there. Sounds like she got attached to the eggs real quick. Let me know how it turns out for you though.
ok well that was tricky. haha. My normally sweet loving hen was making sounds like an ewok! haha. I ended up taking long tongs and pulling the eggs out one by one as she attacked it. I got all the eggs but shes still laying there. Hopefully she calms down soon. Put lots of fresh food and water out there and some fruit (they love their fruit!) so hopefully she comes out and enjoys
If she truly is broody-which she totally sounds like it-don't expect her to come off that nest except to eat-drink-and poop for a few weeks until she gives up! Ive had two girls for two weeks sitting on air and ewwww they is mean right now! well how many eggs was she on:)???
Broodies are evil things! She will probably stay broody for a while. Is there anywhere you can get a couple of fertile eggs to put under her? It is really neat to watch a broody hatch and raise babies.
Just give her some time but, if she still is sitting there tomorrow I would definitely get something in there to replace the eggs for her to sit on until she gets through it. Its like playing reverse psychology on them. LOL
If she truly is broody-which she totally sounds like it-don't expect her to come off that nest except to eat-drink-and poop for a few weeks until she gives up! Ive had two girls for two weeks sitting on air and ewwww they is mean right now! well how many eggs was she on:)???

not as many as I thought... she was sitting on 8 but there were a few around her because the others are still laying next to her. LOL. She is ticked!
oh and the guy at the feed store recommended golf balls? anyone heard of this?? He said its better than rotting eggs or her breaking them and it causing them to start eating their eggs.

I really do not know where to buy fertilized eggs... I'll see if I can figure it out. I wouldnt mind maybe one more but I live in the city and think I'm pushing it with 4. LOL.
Put another egg under her for a couple of days and then go and buy her a day old chick at TSC....slip it under her in the middle of the night. Do not lift her up, just slip the egg out and the chick in. Don't turn on the lights, use a flashlight to see your way.

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