Can someone help with banding?


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
A friend of mine bought her 4 kids the "colorful" chicks for easter. They are growing out of their color and the girls are having fits over the fact that they won't be able to tell the chickens apart. Does anyone on here band legs? If so is it possible that whomever that is could supply me with 4 different color legs band?
These girls LOVE these chickens! They will be going into the larger flock they have (which are all really tame)
Any help is greatly appreciated.
I use different color zip ties to keep birds that belonged to a friend marked untill she came and got them just dont pull them tight.

My sisters kid painted the bird toe nails with finger nail polish. First chickens I ever seen with a peticure
I have used the very small elastic bands (ones for the tiny braids) that are used in your hair. You can even buy them in a pack of many colors. I did put one on each leg so if one fell off we would still know who's it was. None never fell off
I use different color zip ties to keep birds that belonged to a friend marked untill she came and got them just dont pull them tight.

If 'zip ties' are what we call 'cable ties' over here, I've been using them for a bit. One of my chickens who regularly goes awol has one on right now. It's easier to ask "did she have a cable tie on her leg" than to get someone to describe a brown chicken!
I daresay they would take paint (or nail varnish) if you can only get one colour.​
I happened to see some bands for chickens at the feed store -- they were in a jar on the counter by the checkout for .25 cents each. I grabbed one for each of my girls, and it's been working out great-- they are made of colored rubber. Have you asked at your local feedstore?

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