can someone please tell me what I have??? Pic

thanks guy for all the help its nice to tell someone what kind of chickens they are instead of my notorious i dont know lol! the person i got it from got it from his friend and i asked him what it was but he had no idea and i didnt want to press the issue seeing that he looked annoyed but yea to the last post my mother actually works for aco since i was 7 and when the officer brought it in i untied the string from it. I dont know about your animal control but in fort walton we dont make up sob stories to get donations, we dont need them were contracted through the county and make most the money off renting out traps. Sorry to sound mean but I just felt a little offended by your comment.
Hen in front is a 100% golden pheonix have one just like her out front, the male is also Pheonix have one too (banty size for pheonix), cant see the comb on the black and white could be barred rock if it has a pea comb would be a dominic. Cant see the whites face to tell, the brown has the same colors as our americana mix. Anyway hope this helps.
We have tied our chickens up with one leg the kids take them on walks it is quite common here no worries about a fighting chicken though or all would be dead but one pretty pheonix. I hope this helps give us some morepictures of the others ight be able to tell.
This is what the americana mix feathers looks like.
Our Golden pheonix hen
One more thing on the phoenix dark legs are a trait. They are beautiful! Wish I had one more hen gosh I wish I had 10 more
they both are wonderful birds. She has tried to hatch many eggs but never will lay in the coop and when we find her its always after something has got the eggs
Anyway I think you'll really enjoy this breed!

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