
Emu Hugger
16 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
I have a few birds silkies &2 polish that came down with a mystery illness. ( Losing weight, weak and then die)I had to have one put down and a necropsy done to see iff that would give an idea what's going on. I'm waiting on results.
:It was only a few birds in one pen, a few but not the others.. Others improved with worming but the few did not. My full sized birds are all fine, and are housed seperate. My sister used to work on a poultry farm up north and said it is possible they could take all my birds depending on what they find. I do have a lot of pet chickens aprox 30 adults and a lot of chicks, 6 peafowl, 2 turkey and 2 emu as far as birds go. My neighbor has chickens also, they are not sick and are right on the other side of the fence. Can they take all my birds? I'm not a breeder etc, they are pets and cheap manure spreaders. I don't want my birds to be put down needlessly!
I really dont know, I would think as long as you promise to keep them quarantined from other birds (no selling, trading, etc) that they cant do anything, but I am not really sure....
If it is highly contagious, or something they are in panic about like AI, yes they can take your bids. Now, I think it is highly unlikely though that they will find something that will require you to give up the birds.
Yes, states can and do de-populate for specific diseases (AI, ILT to name a couple). You would have to check with your particular state on this.

It sounds as though your youngsters may have had Coccidia and also very possible you are losing them to Mareks. Mareks can present with a general "fading" or going light and can wipe you out.

Best wishes and my fingers are crossed for you.
Sadly yes if it is a reportable disease they would want to take them all, and may canvas the area for other poultry being effected. I was in the AI outbreak in 2003 and it was not nice at all, but necessary to control the outbreak.

Please don't fret this right now, I agree the chances of that are slim from your symptoms. Wait on the test results and take the advice of the State vets.
Sometimes we have to swallow bitter pills for the safety and benefit of all of our society. To conceal the problem would be morally wrong.


I got the following from the FL Dept of Ag. It is a list of reportable diseases. I highlighted the poultry related ones that I noticed. It does not say, however, that any of these are considered for depopulation. You would probably have to call the State Veterinarian, the number is listed there too.

5C-20.002 Declaration; Requirement to Report.
Each of the following pests or diseases is declared to be a dangerous, transmissible pest or disease of animals and to constitute an animal and/or public health risk. Any person who has knowledge of, or suspects, the existence of any of the following diseases or pests in the state shall immediately report suspicions or findings to the State Veterinarian (during office hours: (850) 410-0900; fax: (850)410-0915; after hours: (800) 342-5869; email: [email protected]).
(1) African Horse Sickness.
(2) African Swine Fever.
(3) Anthrax.
(4) Avian Influenza.
(5) Bont Tick infestation (Amblyomma).
(6) Bovine Piroplasmosis (Cattle Tick Fever).
(7) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy.
(8) Brucellosis (B. abortus, B. suis).
(9) Southern Cattle Tick Infestation (Boophilus).
(10) Chlamydiosis (Psittacosis, Ornithosis).
(11) Classical Swine Fever.
(12) Chronic Wasting Disease.
(13) Contagious Bovine or Caprine Pleuropneumonia.
(14) Contagious Equine Metritis.
(15) Dourine.
(16) Equine Encephalitis (Eastern, Western, Venezuelan, or West Nile Virus).
(17) Equine Infectious Anemia.
(18) Equine Piroplasmosis (Horse Tick Fever).
(19) Equine Viral Arteritis.
(20) Exotic Newcastle Disease.
(21) Foot and Mouth Disease.
(22) Glanders.
(23) Heartwater.
(24) Infectious Bronchitis.
(25) Infectious Laryngotracheitis.
(26) Lumpy Skin Disease.
(27) Mycoplasmosis (poultry).
(28) Peste des Petits Ruminants.
(29) Pseudorabies (Aujeszky’s Disease).
(30) Pullorum Disease.
(31) Rabies.
(32) Rift Valley Fever.
(33) Rinderpest.
(34) Salmonella Enteritidis.
(35) Scabies (sheep or cattle).
(36) Scrapie (sheep or goats).
(37) Screwworm Infestation.
(38) Sheep and Goat Pox.
(39) Strangles (Equine).
(40) Spring Viremia of Carp.
(41) Swine Vesicular Disease.
(42) Tropical Horse Tick Infestation (Demacentor nitens).
(43) Tuberculosis.
(44) Vesicular Exanthema.
(45) Vesicular Stomatitis.
Specific Authority 585.002(4), 585.15 FS. Law Implemented 585.14, 585.145(1), 585.15 FS. History–New 10-15-84, Formerly 5C-20.02, Amended 6-1-92, 5-15-95, 9-19-05.

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