Can these chicks go outside?

The momma didn't abandon them at 3 weeks of age, she WEENED them. In her opinion, they were ready for the big-wide-world. To reintroduce them, they need to have at least a week or two of "look but don't touch" time with the flock, and also some hiding spots that have food and water in them, places that they can go, and big chickens cannot.

She did abandon them. I’ve had many broodies, it’s not my first time. She was unhappy the two weeks she had them, always wanted out, not letting them under her so I had to put a heat pad in brooder. One nearly died it was so cold. On many occasions they had to be locked in their kennel as she’d just stand ignoring them. A good broody should respond to their chicks cheeping, especially when it’s 8c outside. They’re not living with the main flock, they’re staying as they’re own bantam flock, so no need for reintroduction. Thanks for the tips on that though.
I've got a broody hen that's refusing to ween hers, they're pushing the three month mark. She's just this week decided to move them out of her nesting spot and into her preferred roosting area, my mango tree, and even there, she's tucking them under her wings to the best of her ability. Kind of funny as it doesn't get cooler than the low 80's in the middle of the night here :) This hen, Canela, at full grown weighs 17 ounces, and she's refusing to ween five... count them... five... chicks!
I've got a broody hen that's refusing to ween hers, they're pushing the three month mark. She's just this week decided to move them out of her nesting spot and into her preferred roosting area, my mango tree, and even there, she's tucking them under her wings to the best of her ability. Kind of funny as it doesn't get cooler than the low 80's in the middle of the night here :) This hen, Canela, at full grown weighs 17 ounces, and she's refusing to ween five... count them... five... chicks!
Aww, what a good little momma! Mine is teeny, too. Her little body just fills my hand when I pick her up....all feathers.
I've got a broody hen that's refusing to ween hers, they're pushing the three month mark. She's just this week decided to move them out of her nesting spot and into her preferred roosting area, my mango tree, and even there, she's tucking them under her wings to the best of her ability. Kind of funny as it doesn't get cooler than the low 80's in the middle of the night here :) This hen, Canela, at full grown weighs 17 ounces, and she's refusing to ween five... count them... five... chicks!

Sounds like a good mama! I had an Orpington who was the same, her three Silkies were fully grown and sleeping around her, they couldn’t physically fit under her lol. I think the issue with my broody is that she’s a hybrid, the instinct is obviously there but it’s not very strong. I gave her away not long after though as she didn’t lay either. She was relentlessly pretending to be broody so I bought her those chicks. She wasn’t even bothered by them so I think she’s just a ‘wrong un’. Hopefully these bantams will brood next year and make better mums!
I've got a broody hen that's refusing to ween hers, they're pushing the three month mark. She's just this week decided to move them out of her nesting spot and into her preferred roosting area, my mango tree, and even there, she's tucking them under her wings to the best of her ability. Kind of funny as it doesn't get cooler than the low 80's in the middle of the night here :) This hen, Canela, at full grown weighs 17 ounces, and she's refusing to ween five... count them... five... chicks!
And, I am jealous about your weather. I wish I had a mango tree. I live in Pennsylvania.:lol:
Sounds like a good mama! I had an Orpington who was the same, her three Silkies were fully grown and sleeping around her, they couldn’t physically fit under her lol. I think the issue with my broody is that she’s a hybrid, the instinct is obviously there but it’s not very strong. I gave her away not long after though as she didn’t lay either. She was relentlessly pretending to be broody so I bought her those chicks. She wasn’t even bothered by them so I think she’s just a ‘wrong un’. Hopefully these bantams will brood next year and make better mums!
Sounds like Canela. She laid two eggs in total before going broody. (She adopted her sister's chicks after her sister died while brooding). So In all, she's laid two eggs and raised these five chicks. I doubt I'll ever see another egg from her, she's so tiny and doesn't seem interested in ever laying again. She's a happy momma though. I intend to keep her as I specifically wanted a broody girl and I certainly got one!
I've got a broody hen that's refusing to ween hers, they're pushing the three month mark. She's just this week decided to move them out of her nesting spot and into her preferred roosting area, my mango tree, and even there, she's tucking them under her wings to the best of her ability. Kind of funny as it doesn't get cooler than the low 80's in the middle of the night here :) This hen, Canela, at full grown weighs 17 ounces, and she's refusing to ween five... count them... five... chicks!

Yes, and the nest turns into a feather mosh pit.
Little Foot's Brood last night in nest box 002.jpg

Or they're so big when they get up, they take the hen with them for a step or two.

Big babies.jpg

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