Can toxic algae in a lake cause a swan to become lame?

Hi it's me again!
 Well now we have a beautiful swan that is sitting by the side of the lake for hours, defecating right where she is lying, and when she goes back into the water she scoots on her abdomen. (I have never seen her walk, but she is said to be old.) She IS swimming fine, and eating when people feed her. I am worried that she is literally a "sitting duck" as she is not able to walk apparently. Today I read an article about how some algae can kill dogs. Does anyone know if that could be the problem with her? I have talked with a Vet and she is planning on coming to the lake to do an evaluation of the swan....Any help is appreciated.

I'm not quite sure about swans, but this happens in ducks and geese. When drinking or eating contaminated water and feed, waterfowl sometimes get symptoms of cholera, which includes a limp, runny eyes, crooked neck, and others.
I hope you don't mind me asking, but does your pond have an inlet and an outlet, so that the pond has a good source of fresh, clean water? This usually happens often in geese and ducks, but like I said before, I am not sure about swans.
Good luck with your bird! :D
Very interesting~ will research this further now. The lake drains at one end and is fed by the runoff from all the hills around the lake. (It is manmade.) There are houses around the lake and above it. There are 4 large fountains that run continuously throughout the summer. Occasionally we do see large areas of foamy material and scum on top of the water, and also orange-brown sediment near one of the drains that empties into the lake......(about 2-3 feet below the surface.)

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