Can turkeys get angel wing?

Here is the defination of Angel Wing provided by Wikipedia:
Here is the first line:
Angel Wing also known as Slipped Wing, crooked wing, or drooped wing is a disease that affects waterfowl, primarily geese and ducks, in which the last joint of the wing is twisted with the wing feathers point out, instead of laying against the body.

Key words would be last joint of the wing, there are 3 sections of the wing. Also this disease affects waterfowl.

very few of our poults have them​
If you have this can you post pictures. In the thousands of poults that we have hatched out I have never seen angel wing in turkeys. We also raise ducks and have seen this in them. I have seen the drop wing and as they grow older it disappears. Have you seen the same thing or do yours keep this problem?​
Mine is doing it to not the greatest picture as I was in a hurry to get to work


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I asked the same thing 2 months ago or so. I was told turkeys don't get angel wings just to leave them alone that they will grow out of it. Well I wasn't going to risk it being angel wing. So I wrapped them the same way I did when my ducklings had angel wings. I left them wrapped for 2-3 days. When I took off the wrap all the baby turkeys had perfect wings. So I would do what ever eases your mind. Good luck with your baby's..
I wouldn't stress the poor poults through wrapping wings for no reason. I have hatched hundreds of poults and not one has ever had angel wing. And many have had same looking wings as those pics and all have grown out fine.
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Thanks for this. That's good to hear, although I haven't really been thinking about her wings lately. She randomly started limping a couple of weeks ago and doesn't seem to be getting any better. She hardly even walks around anymore. She'll hop on one leg out of her pen and plops down near the feed and water and stays there till it's time for bed then I'll usually carry her back inside. We've checked her out and haven't been able to find anything visibly wrong with her leg. I'm kind of thinking it may be rickets. We've been giving her oyster shell and vitamin D for a couple of days hoping she gets better. I hope she does improve.. she's such a sweetie
I currently have a BR with the same symptoms. Do you have any advice? Thank you!

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