Can we help out a friend??

I am interested in learning about being a "therapy chicken" we have some that would be perfect.

What is the training, time commitment, etc.

Hi Sarah,

Well, the first thing you need is a chicken diaper - LOL! Seriously, they are very cheap, around $10. You can google chicken diaper but I think it is just If you or anyone reading this orders the diapers, please contact me about a better way of using & installing the baggie that is used as a plastic liner. And if any of you sew & want to make your own, I'd be glad to send you a picture of the diaper I ordered for Biggie. It's very simple.

After that, all you need is a nice friendly chicken that doesn't peck at jewelry or glasses & likes to be petted. You might want to practice at home so you know how your chicken will react to the diaper & being passed around to different people. We socialize ours a LOT by taking them shopping in all kinds of stores, including grocery stores! However, I always ask a manager first. It's really funny if you have a roo & he crows while you are in the store. People will converge on you from all over the store & want to pet & talk about your chicken. A great way to train & socialize your chicken. When you're ready, you can set up some visits at local convalescent homes. Preschools are also a lot of fun & a great chance to educate children about chickens as pets.

IMHO, Silkies seem to be made for use as therapy chickens, but I think any breed will work, as long as they are calm & well socialized. And they shouldn't flap when you pick them up or put them down because it scares the patients. Also, if you have a breed that is at all broody, then choose a roo as your therapy boy. I have several hens that are wonderful therapy chickens but they always seemed to be broody about the time we were ready to do a visit. Not necessarily a bad thing though, as long as they aren't already on eggs. A broody Silkie will definitely stay nicely wherever you put her!

One special training no-no...Do not EVER feed your chicken from your hand or they might peck at a patient or child. Always feed them from a special cup, preferably one that has a design of some kind that they can recognize. I learned this one the hard way the first time I gave our young birds meal worms. I stupidly fed them from my hand & now, everytime I go in the pen they are trying to peck at my hands. I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to break them of this habit. So, with Biggy gone, we may not be able to do any therapy visits until the next batch of chicks. Just as well I guess, as I don't think my heart will really be in it for awhile.

There really isn't any time committment - you can go as often or as little as you like. All you need is the time to give your chicken a good bath & blow-dry before the visit. We use Adams flea soap to make sure we are rid of all the bugs. We also clip & file nails so there aren't any sharp edges. I will usually call one of the CH's & ask if it's ok to visit on such & such a day & they're always happy to have us. Sometimes they will have all the ambulatory patients in one room so we will usually take several chickens just to do a "show & tell" & then we go to each patient so they can hold & pet our tame therapy chickens. If time allows, we also visit the rooms of patients confined to their beds.

If it sounds like a lot of work, it really isn't. And I don't even have the words to describe how gratifying it is to make the visits. The patients are all so eager to pet the chickens & talk about them, & they are all so happy to have someone visit. Plus, it's not like you're sitting there thinking of things to say. With the chickens as a focal point, the conversation just seems to flow & the time passes much too quickly.

I would urge all of you to think about this & possibly give it a try. And include your children too! Our grandson is 12 & he loves it. I'd like to see 4H, FFA, Girl/Boy Scouts, & other organizations all give credit & special recognition to kids that make therapy visits with animals. And the personal satisfaction you take home from these visits is fantastic. You'll feel a warm glow for days & you'll find that you & your children will have a lot of conversations about the different patients & how they reacted to the chickens.

aaawwww I am sorry you lost Biggie and I completely understand how attached you get to them and them to you. Please remember that you are human and allowed to make a mistake. Biggie was loved, healthy and well cared for...who could ever ask for more?
So sorry for the loss of Biggy.
Sounds like he had a wonderful life, as a treasured pet and therapy chicken. Imagine that. It's easy to get attached to our silly chickens, because they each have their own quirks and personalities. Other chicken folks understand when you say he wasn't just a chicken. ((((HUGS))))
Hello Sheri,

i am so sorry for your loss. i know how much it hurts losing a loved one. And i think writing a short story about how special Biggy was may help. Some folks just don't get how an animal can crawl into your heart so much that when they are gone you're left with a huge hole. But you're among friends here, and in good company.

i made a fool of myself at the grocery store the other day when they were taking donations for breast cancer. i filled out a little card to make the donation in honor of my little persian cat PJ, who died of cancer almost two years ago. They were making announcements over the loud speaker whenever anyone made a donation of $5 or more. They would say "Butterfly on Checkstand #". Well, i didn't even think about that until they announced it after my donation. As soon as i heard "Butterfly on Checkstand . . . " i just burst into tears. You see, i used to call my little PJ "Beautiful Butterfly" as she had such huge eyes and was so gentle and pretty. In fact, after she died i felt i just had to do something to honor her, and so bought one of those Name a Star things, and called my star "Beautiful Butterfly".

Perhaps you might find some comfort by honoring Biggy in some way. Name a star after him, make a plaque to hang in your chicken coop, or just writing down your fond memories of him and post it here with a picture of him for all to admire.

Anyhow, so sorry again. i hope your heart is beginning to mend.


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