Can you eat eggs from young chickens? (pics)


In the Brooder
8 Years
May 18, 2011
One of our 19 weeks olds laid a lovely, if slightly small, egg yesterday, with a double yolk. Daughter and husband would not eat it as they said she was too young to lay and it could not be okay.
Are they talking rubbish? Are eggs eggs - or do the chickens need to mature?
Like most people here I thought it was a tremendous achievement and was very excited!

Egg alongside bought one

Double yolk
Eggs are eggs, but the very first ones taste the best of all. There is absolutely no difference in eggs from a young pullet and an older hen except the size of the eggs. It takes a while for the eggs to get to full size and you might get a few double yolks for the first month. If your family won't eat them, that just leaves more for you!!!
Eat up and there should be a family lesson learned here. Enjoy them and keep em coming LOL. good luck.

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