Can you get parasites from a goat?


10 Years
May 13, 2009
Central Maine
This is probably a stupid question but here goes. For homecoming we do a "kiss the goat" fundraiser. The basic gist is the kids paid to put votes towards who would have to kiss the goat. This year it ended up being the principal and vice principal. Pictures were posted on a FB page and someone commented "that's a really good way to get intestinal parasites". I am the one that got the goat an never even thought of something like that. It's not like they were making out with the goat. It was just a quick kiss. So can you? I kiss all my animals and would probably kiss my goat if I had one but may rethink that one depending on the answer. lol
Not unless you tongue kiss the goat
Yes you can.I got worms once from walking through the pasture with sandals on. Plus worm hatch in the lungs and are coughed up so the "kiss" may contain a parasite but I doubt if theyll have an infected animal for something like that.
Well, I tried to post earlier with a number of links to go to for goat diseases and goat-to-human parasites. I'm not going through it again.

Scientists are learning more and more that parasites/diseases they thought were species-specific are not necessarily so. But the gentleman above is so right. In my case, I developed a deep immediate cough as bad as pneumonia for almost a year from working on my horse's feet. I can't tell you how many doctors I've been to and gotten no help. I still have coughing problems.

But back to goats, enter "goat-to-human parasites" and "goat-to-human-diseases" in the search engines and you'll be shocked.

If you have cable, the program "Monsters within US" on Animal Planet is pretty eye-opening and shocking. They say on that show that either 50% or more of our population is infested with parasites that can eventually affect your health or even cause death.

Sorry to ruin your fun, but kissing pets/farm animals--not a good idea! And not a laughing matter.

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my son also got ring worm from his sheep last yr and THEN passed it on to his rabbit... it was a long summer....


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