Can you guess who this might be?


MFB, I ever tell you how handsome you are? And Smart...and cool...and...uh...tall?
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Jeez Em...

That video is older than you.

And for your info I wasn't laying an egg, I was trying to teach the dumb hens how to do it.

They didn't look real impressed though did they? Oh well, I tried. btw, I built that coop all by my little goofy self, I was pretty proud of it until it fell down a couple of years later.

Disclaimer; No chickens and only one kid was harmed in the making of this video.

Now.... can you spell "payback"?
I CAN!!!!!!
Well, Mr. MFB, may I just say you were a very cute little kid. And, as for payback, you should take away Em's crown. She's very attached to it.
the nest box held him up. Impressive!
Oh the replies running through my head right now...It's a good thing I'm being good right now, or I'd make a comment about the size of MFB's butt...or his building skills...but I'm being good, so I won't.

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