Can You Hear Peeping on the Nest?


10 Years
Mar 9, 2009
Our hen is on Day 19, so we brought her and her nesting box inside for the hatch. Occasionally I sit quietly beside them hoping to hear a peep, but I'm sure the feathers block the sound. Any chance I'll hear a peep, or do I have to just butt out of this process till an egg appears?

If the eggs aren't viable for whatever reason, how long till she gives up on her eggs?

An experienced broody's eggs may hatch on day 21, but those for first time mamas may take longer. That's not a bad thing if all the eggs pip & hatch close together, but be prepared for a staggered hatch. If that happens, your broody may very well kick out unhatched eggs after a day or even less.

Currently, we have two pullets with chicks. Though we immediately separated the first from the rest of the flock, it took her days before she would reliably cover all her eggs which is probably why the hatch took four days. Unfortunately, she was only interested in the first chick. The second, which hatched a day later, was left out in the cold. (That's another story.) I removed the remaining two eggs & set them under the second broody. As they hatched, tucked them under broody one's wings. She was fine with the chicks, despite the difference in age.

Second pullet had the same problem at first. She'd get off to eat & drink & poop & then settle down in her nest box, catty-cornered from the eggs! The wheels would slowly turn & she'd realize that something wasn't right, notice the eggs & walk over & settle on some of them. But by the time she'd been setting a week, she was fine. All 3 of her little ones hatched out within hours of each other, though on day 23, not day 21.

Anyway, as Crazy-for-Chickens says, be patient. If it doesn't bother your girl & your coop is quiet enough, take a listen to an egg or two. Even if you don't hear peeping, it doesn't mean that the chicks aren't fine--they may just be sleeping.
Thanks for the info! Good to know newbie broodies might take longer. I'll try not to panic

Good. Somebody should be successful at that! Though when it comes to new babies, I think we all panic. I never thought I'd be such a sucker for a little ball of fluff.


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