Can you help ID my 6 wk old barred rock?


Aug 21, 2019
Hi guys, first time post, but I've been on the site for a few weeks now. I have a small flock of 5 chooks, 1 EE, 1 Buff Orp, 1 Barred Rock, and 2 SLW. Can any of you all help ID the BR? I dont have any other to compare it to. It is a sweet little bird, and thankfully I live in the country, so I can have a rooster. I just dont want more than one...I also have my doubts about my SLWs.


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6 weeks is still young. I’d say pullet. But it’s hard to be sure. 10-12 weeks is when you can start getting a better idea Beautiful birds you have either way!

And welcome to BYC:frow
i don't know... the colouring looks more like a cockerel, (pic below) but the comb is not big or red enough to be a definite cockerel this is mine below at abt 7 weeks. pullets usually have a much darker pattern, mor black than white. but again, 6 weeks is a bit young. I'm leaning towards pullet because of the comb size and colour.

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