barred rock

  1. Thriftshopblues

    10 week old Barred Rock - male or female?

    Photos of “Wrinkle” today at 10ish weeks old, and at about 1 week old. Comb and wattle are very developed compared to the other pullets but this is the only Barred Rock I have so nothing to compare to!
  2. Dogle08

    Barred Rock hen or roo?

    Someone saw my Barred Rock online last night and said she is actually a he! Please tell me that’s not true. I may actually cry! We can’t have Roos 😭 18 weeks.
  3. S

    2 Year Old Barred Rock Hen Losing Her Voice?

    My 2yo barred rock Pepper appears to be losing her voice as of yesterday. She normally is quite vocal and has a clear cluck/scream but today she is quieter and her sounds seem more garbled and strained. Her comb is nice and red, she is running and flapping and digging with all her normal...
  4. M

    So confused! What do I have here?

    Super newbie chick mama! I have what I was told was a BR pullet from a farm store bin. I got her/he with a bunch of mixed breeds that are all within days apart. It immediately grew to be almost twice the size as the others and has never really stayed hunched over, I barely caught the pic I...
  5. Butt_Nugget_Hut092

    Hen or Roo? Barred rock mix chicks - 8 weeks old

    Hi, These guys were supposed to be cuckoos, due to the feet coloration we are thinking more barred rock, but I was told due to some of the coloration they don't appear pure bred and are probably mixed. Most from TSC, red banded chick is from rural king. Around 8 weeks old as of Yesterday...
  6. R

    Orange County, CA Re-homing Hens

    We are downsizing our flock! We have some healthy and actively laying two year old Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red hens that we are looking to rehome in the next month or so. Anyone interested?
  7. bharris0426

    Are my California White and Barred Rock roos?

    Alright so hi I'm new and I know this is a constantly asked question. I am 98% sure the California is a Roo but the Barred has me stumped. I have 3 Barred. One is FOR sure a Roo and one is for sure a Hen. But this one has some characteristics of both. So what do you guys think? The first couple...
  8. N

    Sapphire Sky, Jubilee Orpington, Barred Rock, Salmon Faverolle 6-9 weeks old roo/cockerel or pullet (and Sapphire sky question)

    Hi! We have four alleged pullets which were all allegedly hatched on April 1 and 3 (so about 9 weeks ago). The Jubilee Orpington (JO), Barred Rock (BR), and Salmon Faverolle (SF) all were picked up when they were allegedly 10-12 days old, but I really have some doubts that the SF was as old as...
  9. M

    5 week Barred Rock Male or Female

    What do you think? Male or female? Larger than the silkie and blue laced red wyandotte around the same age. Comb much more pronounced.
  10. R

    Barred Rock vs. Malines Rooster?

    Hi BYC family! I am looking to replace my rooster (my sweet Randy was lost to a raccoon about 2 weeks ago) I live in an area with HEAVY predator pressure - main offenders are owls, hawks, foxes, raccoons, and coyotes. Since Randy died, I’ve already had 3 hens get eaten by a Fox 😣 So I’m looking...
  11. M

    Does my 5.5 week barred rock look like a pullet to you?

    I recently read that your favorite chick always ends up being a cockerel. Well just as soon as I decided she was my favorite, I also realized she is quite a bit larger than her other barred rock sister (and way friendlier) which makes me nervous!! I’d love to get your opinions.
  12. M

    Did Tractor Supply sell me me roos?!

    First time chicken owner here! I got 3 Barred Rock pullets from Tractor Supply. I got them 3 weeks ago. Based off the countless hours I’ve researched, I’m 100% sure the darkest one is a pullet, she’s smaller and very sweet with a dark leg wash. Her tail feathers came in first and she has the...
  13. J

    Age old question, barred rock pullet or cockerel?

    Hi everyone! This is Bagels, she is from a repeatable hatchery and should be a she…but I am concerned due to her patterning she is looking more like a He! 4 weeks old…too early to tell? She got her tail feathers VERY early but I don’t have any other BR’s to compare her too! THANK YOU! ☺️ I love...
  14. WaterfowlsPoultry

    Rocky: The rooster who loves killing hawks.. mating with hens.. and eating blueberries.

    This is the story of my Barred rock rooster, Rocky. We first got Rocky in 2023 of October, he was a very VERY small chicken, We had 2 ducks (margarito and patitas) before my Uncle just completely purchased 3 barred rock roosters and Brahma hen for some special deal he got (3 chickens get one...
  15. J

    No vent holes on chinese incubator

    I have a 35$ cheapo incubator for my first hatch, 10 out of 12 eggs have embryos and I'm on day 18. I've seen reviews of this one with fluffy chicks running around inside that also had ducks in the same batch so I think I'm good but there's no obvious ventilation. Unless the lip around the dome...
  16. montana_chicks

    Hmmm… things aren’t lining up. Barred Rock, Cuckoo Marans, or Dominique?

    Hello there chicken experts! I have three 5 week old chickens I’m unsure about and would love to hear your thoughts… Chickens #2 and #3 are supposed to be Cuckoo Marans (pullets)… or so they were labeled. I’m beginning to think they’re actually Dominiques. Their combs and leg color aren’t...
  17. NewJourney

    Guess the dad: Barred Rock or Black Australorp on Sapphire Gem hens

    I was "sure" that by the time we incubated fresh eggs that the old rooster DNA should be GONE from the hens' oviducts... Well, now that they've hatched, I'm questioning if that's the case. LOL Here are some pics of our hatched chicks. Please help me figure out if the dad was a Black Australorp...
  18. J

    New here

    I've googled and used info off this page so many times I figured I might as well join! I'm about a 10ish month chicken owner maybe less so far. Got eggs in an incubator already!
  19. Jimmy W

    Jimmy W

  20. E

    We thought Barred Rock…

    But it simply doesn’t look like it to me! I have two “barred rock” chicks, but as their feathers begin to lengthen I see only gray and white. This is our first time keeping chickens and everything is going well (so far … knock on wood?). These chicks are the sweetest and fall asleep in your...
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