Can you help me sex my 10 week old chicks?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 16, 2014
Hi everyone! I was wondering if you could help me determine the gender of these 10 week old chicks I have, just so that I know which ones are roos and which ones are pullets. The two solid yellow ones are Buff Orpingtons, And the other four are Easter Eggers. Thanks!




also, do you know why this one has a hooked beak? I'm not sure what to do about it.



Thanks again!
Looks like a nice group of pullets. # 4 has what is known as "hooked beak" - if you search it here you will find various threads that discuss how different folks on BYC have dealt with birds that were similarly afflicted. I, myself, have had luck with a nail file and very careful work....just take it down a little at a time until you have the fit you are looking for.....then make sure they have access to things to use to maintain their own beaks and keep an extra eye on this one to make sure it doesn't re-occur.
Really? All of them are pullets? That would be amazing! Thanks for the advice on the hooked beak, I'll make sure and file it down.
I agree, all pullets. My buff orp roo is just a week younger and already has a large red comb and wattles. Not crowing yet but my barred rock roo has been for 2 weeks now.
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Congrats on being able to adopt all pullets, because that's not always a given. Also, I have two buff orpingtons, and they look just like mine, and are the same age, too.

That hooked beak is cool looking, buy probably would be a bit of a problem for her if not reduced.

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