Can you identify the breeds of my chicks?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 6, 2011

As I've said in previous posts, I recently bought one full grown RIR and two chicks. As a newbie to raising chickens, the process of buying them was a little overwhelming and, embarrassingly enough, I forgot what breeds the two chicks I bought were.

The guy I bought them from told me that they were both brown egg layers. I've emailed him a couple of times since to ask questions, but I've gotten no responses. I think he got a little annoyed with the city slicker asking him about too much.

So I'm attaching a pic. I think one is a wyandotte or maybe a cuckoo maran. The other one, I'm not sure... she's yellow. That's about all I can say. They're about seven weeks old.

Flickr is being annoying with me posting a direct link to the .jpg, so I'm just going to post a link.

Any help identifying these guys would be much appreciated!
The latter seems to be pretty much spot on! She's gold, and and a lot of the young pullet photos that popped up look almost exactly like her.

When I typed in Delaware chicken on google image search, I got a bunch of white chickens... I'm not sure if that's the right one, but barred rock seems pretty fitting with the way that Mavis (the speckly one) looks. I do know that wyandottes are pretty popular around here, so I'm still thinking that's a possibility.

Either way, I can't wait to get these ladies out of the box in my kitchen and into the coop, but I've got to wait until they're big enough to be able to fend themselves against the full grown RIR. Right now she's fine with hanging out with the chickies in the back yard, but in the coop, fugeddaboutit. She totally goes after them. I'm going to have to build some kind of partition this weekend so that they can get used to being in there with each other.
Well, I think I've settled it. I actually called the guy (ah, the miracle thing that is the phone, something we all forget about!) and he said that these guys are a Barred Rock and a Buff Orpington (black vs gold, respectively).

Thanks, everybody, for playing Name That Chicken!
Funny you say that... it's exactly the case with mine. The barred will let me pick her up without hardly any hassle, while the buff runs around like crazy when I try to grab her and makes me have to chase her around the yard for a couple minutes. My neighbors must think I'm crazy, haha...
Since you brought that up about my barred definitely being a hen, I've got a question... at what point would I be able to tell if the buff's actualy a rooster? I really hope she's not!

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